Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Welcome to the AFA Answer blog

Hello and welcome to the American Farriers Associations official answer blog. Yes I realize that the joint looks a bit barren at the moment but we just moved in. I haven't had the time to get all the furniture in as of yet. 
In 2013 the Executive Committee of the American Farriers Association (hence forth AFA or Association) decided that the Association needed a site where we could give "official" answers to questions farriers had about the AFA. The decision was that a blog was the best idea, it is simple to manage and hey, it is within our budget. This first post will layout what the association can do and what questions it will answer. 

First and foremost we will not entertain gossip. If you want to know why a person left a position or why so and so didn't place higher in a contest- ask them. 

Second, the current goal is to answer one question a month. I know; it seems a bit under the mark, but what the farrier world needs to realize is that with the exception of one full time and part time employee the AFA is entirely staffed by working farriers. That and it takes time to draft answers, to make sure that they are indeed the position of the Association and get them posted. As time, weather, schedules permit there could well be more posts a month. One thing that the AFA does habitually is to over promise and we don’t want to do that here.

Next, the answers you will find here will come from people who have direct involvement in the question. While Thomas N. Trosin is the manager of the blog he will not be answering all the questions. While he can answer several general questions concerning the Association, he’s not going to answer them all. For example; in the instance you have a question concerning Certification, expect an answer from the Certification Committee Chair or another member of the committee. The blog will strive to make certain that farriers get accurate answers to their questions.

Lastly, the answers contained here are the answers we have the day of the blog post and may change as time passes. The goal of the association is to continue to grow and provide educational opportunities to all those who wish the AFA’s help at becoming the best farrier that they personally can. The methods the AFA employs today to reach those goals could well be obsolete in the future. Much like shoeing a horse, the worst answer the association can give is “always” or “never”. That is not to say that the Association will not hold its ground. But the only thing that is certain is change.

I think that about covers it. So now it is up to you. Got a question? We have several ways you can get it to us. While you can email your questions to info@americanfarriers.org, we would prefer that you email them to asktheafa@gmail.com. You can also ask questions on our facebook page.

While the genesis for this project came from the facebook page “Dear AFA” and we do watch that page, we can’t guarantee that we will be able to answer questions asked there.  

(Post prepared by Thomas N. Trosin)