Monday, December 23, 2013

Answers to Certification Questions we have received

First and foremost I wish to apologize that this edition of the blog is a few days late. I caught a horrible cold while on my trip to California and spent the time I would worked on this resting so I could finish out my horses. That said, when I started this blog I expected to be flooded with Certification questions. While not a flood these are the ones we have received either recently or in the instance of Darby Holden's question, repeatedly.

On an end note I want to extend a personal wish to each and everyone of you for a joyous holiday and a happy new year. 

Why is the certified farrier shoe boards not graded in front of everyone to see? Is it not supposed to be a learning experience?

Chris Attkisson

According to Certification Chair Greg Burdette, sometimes they are. “When and where the shoe boards are judged is up to the individual examiner and depends on several factors. Mainly it is a time consideration. If it works out where there can be open judging of the shoe board there is nothing to prohibit an examiner from doing so.” Burdette said. “I do know that there are examiners who prefer that the judging is open and do so when it is possible. That said it still boils down to time management and getting the entire test completed.” He continued.

Burdette also emphasized; “I don’t want people to get confused by this point. Every shoe board is gone over with their respective candidate, whether that is aside or in front of the other candidates. “

Why doesn't the AFA allow candidates make shoes with concave???
Darby Holden Via the “Dear AFA” Facebook page

According to Past Certification Chair and current Certification Committee member Dennis Manning- “The decision to not permit the use of concave section material had to do with the additional or higher skill required for the placement of nail holes in flat stock.”

From an administrative aspect - Leadership has never been asked to even investigate the different sections that would be allowed for certification. In other words; there has never been a demand to change from what is currently available.

Dear Sir,
 I have been trying to acquire information on the Educator's endorsement for some time now. Could you please assist me in at least procuring an outline of the test please? 
 Many thanks, 
 David J. Barron CJF, APF

(updated 3/21/14)

There is actually procedure concerning the Educator Endorsement it is located beginning on page 30 of the Association's Certification Guide. I regret the answer that previously occupied this space and offer my personal apologies to Mr. Barron. 
PDF formats of the Certification Guide are free to AFA members upon request. You can request them at 

(Post Prepared by Thomas N. Trosin with Certification Committee) 

Next Post: January 11,2014- The Board of Directors